Friday, February 12, 2010


Little Chad is getting bigger, and has definately learned to smile! He was such a fussy baby until I quit drinking milk, and now he's great. Good thing I like Rice Milk. I just wish they made Rice Ben and Jerry's.

It has been RAINING! [We had twice as much rain in January as we had ALL of last year.(1.3 in vs. 3.6 in.) Then we had more rain in Feb!] The wash across from our house fills with water and the kids are drawn like monkeys to a banana tree. We Googled how to make paper boats, and they tested their new skills on the "lake." The boats didn't last too long. We need to figure out how to make paper boats out of something besides paper.
"Ow Mom! I bit my tongue!"
Uh... Do you want me to kiss it?
"No. Your lips would get all wet."
OK. (Phew!)
Eden lost tooth #2 last week. She informed me a the next morning that the tooth fairy had forgotten to come. We encouraged her to look again a little while later, and waddaya know? There was money under her pillow!
"So, the tooth fairy waits till you leave your bed, and THEN comes?"
Sometimes, my dear, sometimes.

Lil, Samuel and Eden are playing community basketball right now. When it is not your turn to be on the court, it is often your turn to get Sage off the court.

Lex is not playing basketball this year, but she is dancing at half time of the Jr. High games. We stopped to grab some groceries after a game last week, and she was dancing through the aisles. It made me smile. She's so uninhibited, and loves dancing so much. And, how often do you see a 12 year old dancing down the aisle at the grocery store. Turns out, pretty often. We turned the corner, and there was one of Lexi's team mates, doing the exact same thing.

One of our Christmas presents for the kids was a playhouse. I was waiting for the trim to get painted before I posted pics of it, and now one of the post caps has popped off... oh well. Here it is, and Gary is glad.

And so is Sage.

Fun stuff!

And one more of Chad. I told you he could smile!


  1. So cute! I sure miss watching your chunky Sage fall asleep during sacrament or watching Lily "sign" all the songs sung in primary. I pretty much miss the leavitts!! We still need to do family'll give ua a good excuse to hang out :)

  2. Squash or zuchini... the big yucky ones make good boats.

  3. It is always hard to choose a favorite photo from your posts... especially this time. So many to choose from.

    seeing the huge puddle with a boy wet to his knees reminded me of myself last week. Wading out in the middle of what used to be our road to place the sub-pump to get my road back. (What I could do with a piece of heavy equipment and the proper material.) At least I took my Crocs... but I forgot I had socks on... duh!

    Oh that pic of Lexie dancing down the isles was another memory jogger... I used to dance. Now I am happy with walking on flat surfaces without falling on my butt/face/shoulder (requiring surgery). That is why I don't ice-skate it could have lethal results for me.

    I think I enjoy your blog way to much Cinnamon. Thank YOU!!!


  4. I LOVE THE PLAY HOUSE!! Wow Chad you outdid yourself I want one at my house!!!! I'm glad you figured out what to do so little Chad can be happy which in turn makes you happy :)!!

  5. Lexi in the store is so funny!
